James is the Founder of BEHOLD! Professional Leadership Coaching and has over 30 years of healthcare administration experience
Continue readingA Globe-Spanning Proposition
“For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.” – 2 Corinthians 10:3
With establishment of our 19th U.S. chapter, it’s safe to say that C-Suite for Christ has a solid foothold in America. God has driven our success. We’d be wandering in the desert without His bountiful guidance and generosity.
A growing footprint is critical to our mission of “Covering the World in Christ.” Thirty operating chapters by the end of first quarter 2025 is our goal.
Our emphasis on bringing Christ into the workplace continues to gain steam, even as organized religion has increasingly faltered. Business executives need a place to be themselves with God. We provide it. He does the rest.
“Covering the World in Christ” is rooted in the Great Commission. We know this as Christ’s powerful call for evangelism, where he ordered His followers to “go and make disciples of all nations.”
Note the last two words: “all nations.” This isn’t our verbiage. It’s Christ’s non-negotiable directive – and C-Suite for Christ’s next frontier.
We’re ready to go international!
Our ministry stands poised to reach abroad, as Jesus described. The “product” is turnkey, needing only market presidents with vision and drive. They bring the movement to their community, regardless of nation … and earn a living while glorifying God.
If you’re reading this outside the U.S., listen to your heart.
Is God calling on you to boldly and unapologetically pursue the Great Commission? Do you feel a pull to take a big step for Jesus, as a market president of C-Suite for Christ?
If so, we have a 90-minute instructional video we’d like to share. It covers the responsibilities of this faith-filled role … and its potential for helping to achieve God’s kingdom on earth.
E-mail pneuberger@csuiteforchrist.com to learn more.
Christians increasingly realize they’ve stayed quiet, and on the sidelines, for far too long. A growing void exists between people of faith and the secular world.
It’s time to bridge the gap.
Let’s take Jesus at His word … and “make disciples of ALL nations.”
Break Your Chains
“But if people are bound in chains, held fast by cords of affliction, he tells them what they have done — that they have sinned arrogantly. He makes them listen to correction and commands them to repent of their evil. If they obey and serve him, they will spend the rest of their days in prosperity and their years in contentment.” – Job 36:8-11
Job was right. Most of us live in chains. We’re confined and restrained by shackles that resist every attempt at escape.
These aren’t literal metal chains, such as John the Baptist endured in prison before his beheading. His were clamped on by a regime that feared his influential prophecies, foretelling a coming savior who would redeem the masses.
No, these are metaphorical chains we put on ourselves – and, for some reason, don’t see. They restrain our daily existence. They hold us back from fulfilling our potential. Yet, inexplicably, we can’t break them.
Most of us are “chained” by fear. We’re paralyzed by past sins and regrets. Maybe it’s the great job we didn’t pursue, or the amazing person we didn’t ask out.
Or, perhaps it’s hurtful statements we made, or times we shrugged off kindnesses that, later, we realized were incredibly gracious and generous.
Self-imprisonment is all too real. We continually ask: Am I good enough? Am I worthy of love? Do I have what it takes to be successful?
Society can “chain” us, too. Its norms dictate that we not talk about Christ in the workplace, or bring Him up on social media. Obviously, these chains need to be cast off to fulfil the Great Commission!
So, we remain shackled to our desk, our couch, our doubts … and largely unaware. Yet we desperately want to be unbound and freed. We just don’t know how, or where to turn.
Reach for the Key
“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.’” – Galatians 2:20
It’s easy to get stuck in the past. We all have regrets, for things we did or didn’t do. Some carry deep scars from trauma of abuse, addiction, or abandonment. Everyone has baggage. The only differences are the weight.
Yes, these are the “chains” that bind us … and only Jesus holds the key.
It’s never too late to turn the page with Christ, and begin a new life. The Bible says the “old” us shared the cross at Calvary. That being is gone. Christ lives in us instead.
He calls on us to surrender. It’s the opportunity to experience a full life in Him. Will we accept this offer of a fresh start?
For many, it’s a big ask. They fear having to give up, well, something that must be really valuable in return. We always expect a trade-off, right?
Hesitations aside, try getting started with these practices in mind:
- Keep God first. Pray to start the day. Read Scripture. Share the Gospel. Make church a reason to miss other events – not the other way around. Too “busy” to prioritize Christ? All the more reason to escape being Buried Under Satan’s Yoke.
- Forget the past. Yikes. Talk about “big asks.” Well, just like we’re called to crucify our sinful desires, do the same to your heavy, burdensome past. Nail it to a tree, then pound more nails into it. Crucify and bury its unwelcome, unforgiving weight.
- Don’t obsess about the future. It’s OK to set goals and make plans. Yet, trust God to guide your path into the future. Know that things might not happen in your desired order or timeframe. He will not abandon you.
- Put God’s Word first. We’re barraged daily by words – from family, co-workers, friends, social media, advertisements and other sources. Start your day right by reading God’s Word. The Bible is a firm foundation on which to build wisdom and discretion, to interpret the many other words we hear.
Surrender to Victory
“Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.” – Psalms 62:8
Being “chained” to our past just seems to be part of human nature. We can’t undo what’s done … and it drives us crazy. Therapy and coaching can loosen the shackles. They won’t break them.
Only surrendering to Jesus offers a release from past pains and regrets. We can’t live our best life until this threshold is crossed. Doing so opens the door to joy and prosperity.
It’s not a one-way street, though. We need to be open and honest with Him. This means confessing our sins and missteps, and taking responsibility.
Yes, it’s being vulnerable. Christ offers a safe place where we can be open with our emotions. He will not judge us. He’ll forgive us.
Therein lies the beauty, and freedom, of the surrender. Jesus will break the chains that have held us for far too long. We can turn the page to a new chapter.
Why are we afraid?
(If you’re ready to embrace Christ, He’s ready for you. Visit C-Suite for Christ to join in Christ-centered fellowship with other professionals. Join us as a member. Plant a chapter where you live. Consider becoming a corporate partner. Follow C-Suite for Christ on LinkedIn and Facebook. Questions? Contact Paul M. Neuberger at (414) 313-8338 or pneuberger@csuiteforchrist.com.)
Who’s Ready to Lead?
“Lead me, Lord, in your righteousness because of my enemies – make your way straight before me.” – Psalms 5:8
The phenomenal growth of C-Suite for Christ is fueled by our members’ mission to “Cover the World in Christ.” Their passion and drive are irreplaceable!
Consider this: The new Raleigh-Durham chapter of C-Suite for Christ is the organization’s 17th in 24 months! These numbers reflect a thirst and longing for Christ coast to coast – one that disciples are opening new chapters to meet!
Our organization’s LinkedIn page has nearly 120,000 followers.
LinkedIn has been instrumental in the growth of C-Suite for Christ. As a social media channel populated by professionals, its reach into far corners has been – OK, pun intended – a godsend.
Unfortunately, our organization’s ascent is paralleled by descending trends elsewhere in religion.
Christianity is being steadily undermined in secular quarters. The relentless attacks – from media, academia, and other parties – are working, too.
Only 30 percent of Americans regularly attend church, according to the latest Gallup research. Just two decades ago, the figure was 42 percent.
People are walking away from the faith. Churchgoers who pass are not being replaced. Worse yet, more and more people are dying without ever knowing Christ!
Even as C-Suite for Christ continues to expand, its task of sharing God’s Word grows ever larger.
Fortunately, data allows us to direct efforts. Below is a table of the 10 largest U.S. locations where we need to planta chapter:

Do you reside in one?
Is God telling you to let Him take the wheel of your career?
Or, is someone you know feeling the pull?
We need disciples ready to serve as new chapter presidents in these areas. All are ripe with potential for rapid chapter growth.
What’s missing?
Someone to take the lead!
Yes, you (or someone you know) could make “Covering the World in Christ” your profession. Can you imagine a more fulfilling career choice?
If this sparks something deep inside you, maybe it’s time for a conversation.
Contact me at pneuberger@csuiteforchrist.com to see if it’s time to light the fire. No experience required.
Why wait to answer God’s call to serve His people?
Even if you consider yourself a “nobody,” remember that God has always used such individuals to prove He’s a somebody!
Prepare to Surrender
“Then Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.’” – Matthew 16:24
Superhero movies sure are popular. Every month, it seems, a new film comes out featuring a larger-than-life hero(es), ready to save the world from a villain(s) of equally powerful proportions.
These characters always have traits that separate them from everyday humans. They might possess super strength. Or be able to fly. Or climb walls. Or create ingenious weapons. Or be invulnerable to others’ ingenious weapons.
The difference, of course, lies in how these abilities are used. One character uses them for good; the other, evil. In between lies all the difference.
We might not be “superheroes” per se. Nonetheless, God blesses each of us with unique talents.
We’re all good at something. Maybe it’s numbers. Or forming relationships. Or writing. Or performing physical feats of athletics or dance.
These abilities have immense potential for, well, a lot of things. Consider this: Do you use your talents to tell the world who you are … or Whose you are?
Let’s Rethink “Surrender”
“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.” – 1 Peter 5:6
Scripture tells us to seek to grow closer to Christ, to carry forth His will. Yes, His will – not ours. We should spotlight Christ, not ourselves. As explained in Matthew 16, we should deny ourselves and take up the cross. Doing so requires surrendering our talents to Jesus, to use for His purposes.
Surrender? Uh oh. This term doesn’t have positive connotations. Usually, it means we’ve lost a competition, or given up something important.
Is this really the way to go?
Except, in the heavenly realm, surrender is the beginning of peace. It’s where we end, and Christ begins. We become more Christ-like only as our human part dies away.
Our plans should be subservient to God’s. Our goals for life are secondary (at best). We’re expected to surrender our wants and desires – a big ask.
Who is willing to do this? Only those destined to become true, authentic disciples of Christ.
Give it All Away
“Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” – James 4:7
It’s tough to give up anything that one values. Surrendering all our plans and aspirations? This nearly defines “incomprehensible.”
God is serious, though. So how can we seriously approach meeting His standard?
- Surrender to God through prayer. Our direct connection to God is through prayer. We enjoy fellowship with Christ via ceaseless prayer. We can use this channel to offer our surrender, telling Jesus we want to finally submit to Him.
- Be mindful of our thoughts. Satan is sneaky and relentless. He spots openings whenever our thoughts turn to lust, anger, and other emotions not of God. Don’t think he’ll seize the opportunity to nudge you to act on them? Only by ridding our minds of imperfect desires can we keep the Evil One at bay.
- Possess faith that completely trusts God. He has a plan. It might not match up with ours – but, in case you’ve forgotten, God’s will supersedes ours.
- Let go of trying to control everything. “Control” is an illusion. We control next to nothing. God decides our life’s direction. Think of riding a bike – we pedal, while God steers. Do you really think He’ll direct you into a ditch?
We were created on purpose, for a purpose. God gives us each our unique abilities for a reason. He has made an investment in us, one destined to grow His kingdom.
Surrendering to God? Maybe it seems counterintuitive, at first. Until we consider: Where did our talents come from in the first place? Suddenly the pieces fall into place … and we realize how we’re really returning a favor, one that we could never, ever fully repay.
Suddenly the pieces fall into place … and we realize how we’re really returning a favor, one that we could never, ever fully repay.
(If you’re ready to embrace Christ, He’s ready for you. Visit C-Suite for Christ to join in Christ-centered fellowship with other professionals. Join us as a member. Plant a chapter where you live. Consider becoming a corporate partner. Follow C-Suite for Christ on LinkedIn and Facebook. Questions? Contact Paul M. Neuberger at (414) 313-8338 or pneuberger@csuiteforchrist.com.)
Jerry Howard – November Speaker
Jerry is a Christian speaker, author, and has been featured in multiple veteran’s journals.
Continue readingHerbert Ford – October Speaker
Herb Ford is a pastor, business professional, and athletic coach that is passionate about impacting families and businesses.
Continue readingThe “Worst” that Could Happen? How About the Best?
“Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision.” – Joel 3:14
Life is full of choices. Some carry significant benefits and, simultaneously, serious risks.
These decisions can be difficult. Their pondering often leads to a basic, formulaic question: “What’s the worst that could happen?”
It’s not a bad thought. If we’re making a decision with potentially serious consequences, it’s smart to consider all of them.
The flip side? Dwelling on the worst possible outcomes can spur fear, doubt and hesitation. We might miss out on golden opportunities to propel our careers, families and lives.
Should we offer to lead the new big project at work? Might we volunteer to speak at a public event for an organization we support? Can we start the business we’ve long dreamt of?
All have very real potential to crash and burn. We might wind up embarrassed, shamed or even broke. Or, we might discover a hidden personal superpower – one we never suspected – that opens new doors we couldn’t have imagined.
The Worst-Case Scenario always exists. And if it happens … so what? In life’s big picture, do we not believe we’d have room (and fortitude) to bounce back?
Whom are You Working For?
“But be sure to fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you.” – 1 Samuel 12:24
Think about where you spend most of your time. For many, it’s at work. Careers easily consume much of life’s bandwidth. Some people spend more time with coworkers than family.
Given all the time you spend there, have you ever thought about sharing the love of Jesus Christ in the workplace? Chances are slim. Most Christians blindly accept it’s a no-no. The unspoken wall of faith and work can’t be breached, right?
Besides, think about the Worst-Case Scenario. Fellow employees might not accept your outreach. You could be mocked. You might even wind up in HR!
If these things were to happen … so what? Who are you really accountable to? Who are you trying to impress – man, or the Son of Man?
As Christians, we’re beholden to God’s directives. We should obey the Ten Commandments. Reflect God’s love through our actions. Carry out the Great Commission.
Yet, how do we honor the Great Commission without speaking up? Are we afraid of being called to HR, or attacked by cancel culture, or finding ourselves in Facebook Jail?
Servants of Christ are willing to take these risks. Given the workplace’s status as abundantly fertile ground for evangelism, witnessing at the office is almost a natural. Every coworker can potentially be brought to Christ (if they aren’t there already).
Ask yourself: Did God put you in this place for a reason? Can you pray for strength and guidance, to shine Christ’s light into a space that (likely) hasn’t experienced it? Are you willing to say, “Let it start with me?”
Taking the Holy Chance
“You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours.” – Psalms 128:2
The notion that we can’t practice faith from 9 to 5 on weekdays defines “antiquated.” With all the accommodations workplaces make for people of different abilities and backgrounds, how is tolerating Christian behavior so outlandish?
Still, you might still be hesitant. Try these best practices on for size when practicing evangelism at the office:
- Act like Christ: While we’ll never be flawless and free of sin as Jesus was, we can do our best to emulate Him. Practice empathy. Avoid gossip. Behave ethically. Let actions, not words, reflect Whose you are.
- Expect God to use you: In Matthew 14, Peter walks on the water while holding eyes with Christ. He sinks only when he looks away. God has your back, if you trust Him. Expect great things to happen, including some positive response from others.
- Share the load: You can’t minister to an entire office solo. Find others interested in starting a prayer group. Assign floors to specific disciples. Above all, don’t worry who gets the credit for success.
- Focus on a few: Many will not accept your gestures. Think quality, not quantity. If a few people join in, you’re doing well.
- Pray like crazy: The Bible instructs us to pray constantly. How many do? Still, pray for the Holy Spirit to enter and guide you. Pray for strength and opportunities to share the Word. Don’t just make requests, either – have a conversation with God, and see if revelations don’t follow.
Your work life can be a fruitful ministry, to preach to others and open hearts and minds. When God enters in, love, care and compassion follow. Few would term this outcome a Worst-Case Scenario.
Wouldn’t it be more like a “best?”
(If you’re ready to embrace Christ, He’s ready for you. Visit C-Suite for Christ to join in Christ-centered fellowship with other professionals. Join us as a member. Plant a chapter where you live. Consider becoming a corporate partner. Follow C-Suite for Christ on LinkedIn and Facebook. Questions? Contact Paul M. Neuberger at (414) 313-8338 or pneuberger@csuiteforchrist.com.)
Jason Hietbrink – September Speaker

Jason Hietbrink graduated from Nebraska Wesleyan University in May of 2006 and began his career later that summer with The N2 Company. From 2006-2018, he ran a total of 9 different franchises within the company and was the #1 franchise in the nation for 6 years in a row (2007-2012).
In 2012, Jason moved into a leadership role within the company, overseeing 8 states, and was tasked with both growing revenue with existing franchisees as well as hiring and training new franchisees. That role expanded by 2016 to overseeing 28 states, 75 leaders, over 450 franchisees, and around $65M/yr in total revenue. Jason played a key part in the company’s growth from $3M in revenue in 2009 to $100M in revenue by the end of 2015, and the company grew from about 30 locations to over 800 during that time.
In 2019, Jason took on a new leadership role within the organization tasked to grow a new vertical the company had started a few years before and worked to more than doubled the revenue in that product line in the calendar year.
From 2020-2022, he was the Director of Sales Training and Development and helped the organization navigate how to take the sales process remotely throughout the pandemic. During this time, Jason was in charge of all of the training for the franchisees and was also responsible for putting together the national conferences (600-800 in attendance).
Jason has given hundreds of messages during his time in the organization and has been the keynote speaker for over a dozen events. Jason has spent tens of thousands of hours developing messages and honing his public speaking skills while also training dozens of others how to do the same.
In spring of 2022, Jason left the company to start his own coaching and consulting practice, focused on helping high-achieving entrepreneurs create more money while working less. In his first calendar year, Jason has found success, grossing about $450k in revenue after starting from scratch. Jason is thankful that God has gifted him with the ability to succeed in the entrepreneurial space and continues to use that gift to help others do the same.
Jason grew up in a Christian home and has been a follower of Christ from a young age. He and his wife have two kids: a sixteen year old son and a thirteen year old daughter, and have been married for 18 years. They are heavily involved in our church and local community.
A Gift to Not Ignore
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16
Ever put your heart and soul into finding the “perfect gift” for someone … only to never see them use it?
Maybe it was a book you knew they’d love. Months later, you saw it on their shelf, covered in thick dust … obviously never read.
Or perhaps it was an item of clothing that totally fit their style – yet, in your ensuing interactions, you never once saw them wear it.
You might have felt disappointed – maybe even resentful. You invested energy and emotion to find a gift you believed would enrich their life. You used precious time to acquire it. Obviously, you spent money, too.
Ever think our Holy Father might feel the same way?
God blesses us daily with more gifts than we can comprehend. Maybe we pray in gratitude daily, or weekly, or less often. Hopefully we do thank Him, at some point, for his abundant generosity.
One holy gift, though, stands above all. It proves God loves us more than we’ll ever know. Do we accept it?
Unwrapping an Eternal Blessing
“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” – John 14:6
God grants us eternal salvation. By doing so, His love is poured into our hearts. He gives us the opportunity to go to heaven. Is there anything that even remotely compares?
This is a gift beyond description. Nothing in the world can come close. We don’t deserve, nor have we earned, this gift. Yet, all we need do to accept it is open our hearts to Christ, through Whom we are granted a relationship with God.
It’s all pretty hard to comprehend. Ultimately, it’s a question of free will. Will we accept His priceless gift? Or will we turn away, and choose instead to indulge in the earthly sins that Satan dangles?
Every day we fight a battle between good and evil. Decisions abound. When making choices, if an option is not of God nor Scripture, we should avoid it. Doing so allows God to keep working within us, strengthening our claim to the eternal gift He bestows.
Earn It? Well, Not Quite …
“Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God – children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s, but born of God.” – John 1:12-13
We can’t earn our way into heaven. Only accepting God’s gift of eternal salvation –embracing Christ as our Savior – gets us there.
Still, this flies in the face of common mores. We’re accustomed to earning everything. Most Christians have good intentions. They want to serve and be useful. We’re granted this amazing gift just … what … because?
Well, it’s like a club that everyone would want to belong to, if they just knew how great it was. Once Christ enters your heart, you’re in the club. Even your own bad behavior won’t get you kicked out. Yeah, the forgiveness of sins part is pretty great, too.
Still want some responsibilities, to “earn” your way? OK. Honor the Great Commission. Bring more people to Christ. Tell others of His gift of salvation, one that should minimize any worldly concerns we have.
Don’t just give God lip service. Pray and repent. Look forward to His glory, not backward. Be open to Scriptural teachings. Meditate on them, and share with others.
If we fix our eyes on God, He will not let us down. Inviting the Living God to live in us assures receipt of His all-powerful gift … one for which no one will have any regrets.
(If you’re ready to embrace Christ, He’s ready for you. Visit C-Suite for Christ to join in Christ-centered fellowship with other professionals. Join us as a member. Plant a chapter where you live. Consider becoming a corporate partner. Follow C-Suite for Christ on LinkedIn and Facebook. Questions? Contact Paul M. Neuberger at (414) 313-8338 or pneuberger@csuiteforchrist.com.)