“Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” – 2 Corinthians 9:15
The holidays are a time of divergence. Their meaning, and associated feelings, can vary broadly from person to person.
For most, it’s a season of joy filled with family, gifts and celebration. For others, the holidays are a time of trial, darkened by loved ones lost, relationships broken, or stresses tied to finances or health.
We hope that, wherever this season finds you, God is present and abundant in your life. Amidst holiday hoopla, far too many overlook the first six letters of “Christmas” – and how this holiday originated 2,000+ years ago in a manger in Bethlehem.
C-Suite for Christ has more reasons for thanks than can be counted. Our growth and reach accelerated in 2024. Our geographical footprint, and recognition by leading national figures, grows steadily.
Our mission to “Cover the World in Christ” snowballs. Setbacks ensue, as always … and our Holy Father leads us over, around and through them.
The gratitude we owe for His benevolence can’t be quantified. Yet, we’ll list a few of the blessings for which we are thankful:
- The thousands of C-Suite for Christ stakeholders, and the many thousands more who follow our ministry. Countless disciples engage daily with social media posts, powering our presence before those previously unaware. We eagerly await those who will finally feel the call to join as members – quoting Nehemiah 4:20, “Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet, join us there. Our God will fight for us!”
- The growing number of C-Suite for Christ chapters, now at 19, and their bold leaders who heed God’s call. The potential for more in 2025 is limitless!
- The content creators whose talents provide Christ-centric materials to share our mission, through outlets such as this newsletter, YouTube channel, our podcast and many others.
- The presenters at our growing number of events, such as the C-Suite for Christ Speakers Bureau.
- The churches who have opened their doors for our events, such as Trinity Church for the Jan. 14-16 Winter Savior Summit, and Elmbrook Church for the 2025 Covering the World in Christ Celebration.
Most of all, for God’s innumerable blessings that have lifted and propelled this ministry at every turn. C-Suite for Christ is run by people, but directed by Him. We never lose focus on God as the one who makes all great things happen, and how this ministry is tasked with bringing souls to the salvation of His son, Jesus Christ.
May God’s blessings brighten your life in this holiday season, and throughout 2025.