Enjoy Frank Conversation About Real-Life Christianity!
“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
– John 8:32
What’s real? What’s not? In a world laden with endless conflicting “truths,” how do we discern Christ’s purpose for us?
If you’re worn down by secular lies and misdirection, a series on the C-Suite for Christ YouTube channel will keep you moving toward God’s enlightenment!
“Talking Christ with Tashina” features lively, authentic conversation about Christian issues of the day. Featuring entrepreneur and devout disciple Tashina Rickerson, and founder of C-Suite for Christ, Paul M. Neuberger, its open-ended dialogue is never boring … and always entertaining!
“Talking Christ with Tashina” breaks down topics of all types to uncover Gospel-centric truths. Through gritty, honest discussion, Tashina and Paul cut through distractions and detours to help viewers grow a stronger, more intimate relationship with Christ