“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” – Romans 12:2
Sunday was Groundhog Day. Punxsutawney Phil, the world’s most famous groundhog, saw his shadow in the small town of Punxsutawney, Pa.
Uh oh. Six more weeks of winter en route – at least, according to a tradition dating back to the 1880s. Remember, meteorology wasn’t quite as advanced back then.
Maybe you missed Groundhog Day. Easy to do. It’s not exactly on a par with Christmas or Easter. As holidays go, it’s decidedly minor league.
For many, though, the concept of Groundhog Day is shaped by the iconic 1993 film of the same name. Bill Murray plays a cynical TV weatherman who, on location in Punxsutawney to report on its annual Groundhog Day festival, gets stuck reliving the same day, over and over.
Staying true to standard movie formula, the story has a happy ending. Murray’s character gradually changes his ways, and perspective, and finds love in the end. Roll credits.
Think carefully. Are you living Groundhog Day (the movie premise, that is)? Does life seem like an unchanging loop? Mundane? Lackadaisical? Are you weary, frustrated and itching for something better?
Try Christ. Not in a “Sure, as long as it’s Sunday” or “When I think about it” approach.
No, go all in. Ask Christ to inhabit your mind, heart and every living moment. Give yourself over to His awesome loving power. Accept Him as your savior, be all, and end all.
In John 16:24, Jesus says, “Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.”
If joy is lacking in your life, there’s your answer. Ask away. Beseech Christ to take you out of the cycle of pointless, fruitless living, and put you on a path of peace and fulfillment. Did he not just promise to deliver?
God is on the move in our lives, every day, all year. Question is, do we go with Him … or watch Him go by?
Doesn’t matter if it’s Feb. 2 (Groundhog Day), or Feb. 6 (today), or Feb. 29 (every fourth year). Any day is the best day to pledge your life to Christ.
We can’t lose our shadow … but what if it’s a reminder of God moving with us? You’ll know that only brighter days lie ahead.