“If it seems we are crazy, it is to bring glory to God. And if we are in our right minds, it is for your benefit.” – 2 Corinthians 5:13
Every entrepreneur has heard the lines from would-be naysayers.
“You’re crazy to believe this can succeed.” “You’re crazy to quit a good job to do this.”
“You’re crazy to risk so much on this venture.”
For many risk-takers, this fuels their fire. What’s life without challenge … even if it means potentially losing nearly everything?
Yet, everyday people can be called “crazy” for very innocuous reasons – asking out a seemingly-unattainable love interest, perhaps, or buying a motorcycle or sports car they’ve long dreamt about.
The world is a timid, risk-averse place. Most people are afraid to step out. Afraid to pursue their dreams. Afraid to take chances. Afraid to share their true selves with others … for fear they’ll be judged, or maybe even called “crazy.”
Truth be told, “crazy” has conflicting identities. If someone is “crazy” about their spouse, or a new child, or even a sports team … well, isn’t this good? It means they’re passionate and dedicated, right? Who could argue with this?
Crazy Like a Christian?
“You will see hallucinations, and you will say crazy things.” – Proverbs 23:33
The other side of “crazy,” though, is decidedly unflattering. It’s associated with language such as unstable, unhinged, mad, lunatic, “off their rocker” … you get the point.
From a faith perspective, “crazy” remains a two-sided coin. Thousands of devout Christians have been called “crazy” through the centuries … often by fearful, falsely-accusing opponents who sought to imprison them, or worse.
Yet, as Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians, being crazy for God is hardly a bad thing. Christians everywhere would do well to seek to bring him glory. It’s what we’re called to do!
The passive society we live in might call us crazy for bringing God into the office, or posting about Him on social media, or using Scripture in an e-mail signature. You’ll “offend” someone. Or potentially lose business. Or maybe even be sued.
Don’t be surprised – nor intimidated. The world around us doesn’t share a passion to glorify God, and spread His Word. It doesn’t grasp that people of faith share a bond with Christ that is in this world, yet not of this world. Our devotion transcends any earthly measure.
Is it “Crazy” to Save Others?
“The light disturbs the wicked and stops the arm that is raised in violence.” – Job 38:15
We should live for God, and talk about God … even if others call us crazy (or worse). Why? We never know who might hear us, or see us, at a pivotal moment.
Consider the violence in our society. Look at those who go on shooting sprees at schools and businesses. These people don’t know God. What might be prevented if they were exposed to Him – and embraced Him – at a dark point, where their lives could still go in another direction? Might a single “crazy” Christian make a difference?
Those who believe we’re delusional to seek to “Cover the World in Christ” can do so. Let them.
We know that God’s great love can overcome huge obstacles. We’ve experienced it in our own lives. Let us never allow our faith to waver, regardless of how we’re labelled.
Will you be a crazy Christian? Ready to go nuts for Christ? Let’s do it. If others don’t join in, or even fight us, we’ll pray for their sanity.
(If you’re ready to embrace Christ, He’s ready for you. Visit C Suite for Christ to join in Christ-centered fellowship with other professionals. Submit a prayer request for a pressing need in your life. Follow C Suite for Christ on LinkedIn and Facebook. Questions? Contact Paul M. Neuberger at (414) 313-8338 or pneuberger@csuiteforchrist.com.)