“But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?” – Romans 10:14
The COVID-19 pandemic might be over. Its impact on our psyches remains.
Everyone claims to value accountability. It’s a trait that reflects responsibility, diligence and “get it done” perseverance.
Accountability seems to be in short supply, though. Consider politicians who continually castigate “the other side” for a variety of ills. Or organizational heads who blame failures on those beneath them. Or spiritual leaders who lambaste parishioners for committing all-too-human acts of sin.
Looking in the mirror is hard. Yet, it’s where accountability is found.
We, as disciples of Christ, are accountable to many: spouses, children, co-workers, bosses, fellow church members and more.
Why aren’t we better partners, parents or team members? Why don’t we get things done? Do we have good reasons for not cutting it?
We all fall short. No one is perfect.
Here is where blame-making begins. It’s easy to fault others, and become a victim. Yet, by doing so, we bring ourselves and others down.
Besides, who wants to associate with those who aren’t accountable? They don’t grow. They’re hard to be with. Their excuses get old really fast.
We grow by taking chances, going outside our comfort zones and, occasionally, failing. When we trip and fall, it’s best to stand up, dust off, and keep moving ahead. Remaining
on the ground, and making excuses for how we got there, gets us nowhere.
Time to Take Account
“Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and he is the one to whom we are accountable.” – Hebrews 4:13
Spiritual accountability should be at the top of any Christian’s list. If we don’t answer God’s call, there’s no guarantee we get to heaven. We can’t “Cover the World in Christ” by ignoring His directives.
So, consider how we interact with the world around us. God brings many people into our lives. If someone doesn’t believe in Jesus Christ, they won’t start on their own. Do we talk to them about Jesus? Do we actively work to save them?
Doing so is more important than ever. We’re at an inflection point. God is being driven from our schools and public places by secular entities pushing divisiveness.
Prayer is controversial at sporting events. A cross hung in an office can trigger all sorts of outrage. It’s open season on Christians.
The secularists are winning. They are turning people of faith into societal outcasts.
Who’s to blame? Facing declining membership, many traditional churches concentrate on people in pews and dollars in collection plates. Their focus is on stopping the bleeding.
Let’s not point fingers at others for allegedly falling short. Instead, let’s take spiritual accountability.
Speak Up!
“And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, ‘How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!’” – Romans 10:15
We are all sent to share the Word. Now look in the mirror. How can we win the world back for Christ?
The Great Commission (Matthew 26:18-20) is straightforward. It’s a call to action. It’s not the Great Suggestion.
Doesn’t mean it’s easy, though. Christianity is not a popularity contest. Evangelism is about opportunity. Pray to God, asking for chances to share the Word … and to be accountable to not pass them up.
When opportunity appears, be open. Share stories of how God has blessed you. Explain why you believe.
Often our encounters with others are brief – too short, in fact, to go into any depth. In these scenarios, ask simply: “How can I pray for you today?”
Maybe you’ll get a “No, thank you.” Or a funny look. Or, perhaps, an honest response about a challenge that someone is facing, and possibly losing hope over. Say you’ll ask for God’s blessing on them … and do so.
This is a “one person at a time” crusade. Secularists control the means of mass communication. We’re on our own.
Know that you might be shunned, or cancelled, or uninvited from places you were once welcome. Jesus knew this feeling. The Pharisees wanted nothing to do with him.
Someday, our Holy Father will face us in heaven. He’ll ask us how we shared Christ’s love, and his teachings. What will we tell Him?
Jesus was a solo act, apart from a dozen devoted followers (to varying degrees). We’re in a similar boat.
If not us, who? If not now, when?(If you’re ready to embrace Christ, He’s ready for you. Visit C-Suite for Christ to join in Christ-centered fellowship with other professionals. Join us as a member. Plant a chapter where you live. Consider becoming a corporate partner. Follow C-Suite for Christ on LinkedIn and Facebook. Questions? Contact Paul M. Neuberger at (414) 313-8338 or pneuberger@csuiteforchrist.com.)