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Genesis 2:24 Informational Session

Join Us April 29 to Transform Your Marriage into Holy Matrimony!

“That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.”
– Genesis 2:24

Strong marriages are the bedrock of Christian families, and society. If we’re going to cover the world in Christ, this foundational element is vital to carrying out our mission!

Join us at a free April 29 webinar as Mike and Annie Hernandez, longtime marriage ministry leaders at Victory Church in Atlanta, explain how a members-only benefit of C-Suite for Christ can transform your marriage into one of true holy matrimony!

The Genesis 2:24 Ministry employs a Biblically-centered curriculum to guide and strengthen couples. The April 29 webinar will detail its approach, including defined metrics to measure success.

This is a powerful, game-changing formula for marriages of all durations.

Why not invest 45 minutes in a webinar that could fortify your relationship forever?

Putting Priorities in Proper Placement

“Covering the World in Christ” is a sweeping, macro-vision perspective. At ground level, achieving this goal requires healthy families, churches and culture.

Mike and Annie Hernandez are experts in Christian marriage counseling. They’ll explain three priorities – health, marriage and God – that keep couples together.

Don’t be surprised if, after learning these insights, you embrace the Genesis 2:24 program!

Marriage in America is still no sure thing. Roughly 40 percent of first marriages end in divorce. Its occurrence rises for second (60 percent) and third (73 percent) marriages.

Good news is, divorce rates have dropped slightly in recent years. We’re excited to offer the Genesis 2:24 ministry to C-Suite for Christ members, to help keep the trend alive!

Register today for this April 29 noon webinar.

Learn how the Holy Word of God can reach from heaven to strengthen and beautify your marriage – right here, on earth and in the flesh.

Register Now for our April 29th Webinar