Break Your Chains

“But if people are bound in chains, held fast by cords of affliction, he tells them what they have done — that they have sinned arrogantly. He makes them listen to correction and commands them to repent of their evil. If they obey and serve him, they will spend the rest of their days in prosperity and their years in contentment.”Job 36:8-11

Job was right. Most of us live in chains. We’re confined and restrained by shackles that resist every attempt at escape.

These aren’t literal metal chains, such as John the Baptist endured in prison before his beheading. His were clamped on by a regime that feared his influential prophecies, foretelling a coming savior who would redeem the masses.

No, these are metaphorical chains we put on ourselves – and, for some reason, don’t see. They restrain our daily existence. They hold us back from fulfilling our potential. Yet, inexplicably, we can’t break them.

Most of us are “chained” by fear. We’re paralyzed by past sins and regrets. Maybe it’s the great job we didn’t pursue, or the amazing person we didn’t ask out.

Or, perhaps it’s hurtful statements we made, or times we shrugged off kindnesses that, later, we realized were incredibly gracious and generous.

Self-imprisonment is all too real. We continually ask: Am I good enough? Am I worthy of love? Do I have what it takes to be successful?

Society can “chain” us, too. Its norms dictate that we not talk about Christ in the workplace, or bring Him up on social media.  Obviously, these chains need to be cast off to fulfil the Great Commission!

So, we remain shackled to our desk, our couch, our doubts … and largely unaware. Yet we desperately want to be unbound and freed. We just don’t know how, or where to turn.

Reach for the Key

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.’” – Galatians 2:20

It’s easy to get stuck in the past. We all have regrets, for things we did or didn’t do. Some carry deep scars from trauma of abuse, addiction, or abandonment. Everyone has baggage. The only differences are the weight.

Yes, these are the “chains” that bind us … and only Jesus holds the key.

It’s never too late to turn the page with Christ, and begin a new life. The Bible says the “old” us shared the cross at Calvary. That being is gone. Christ lives in us instead.

He calls on us to surrender. It’s the opportunity to experience a full life in Him. Will we accept this offer of a fresh start?

For many, it’s a big ask. They fear having to give up, well, something that must be really valuable in return. We always expect a trade-off, right?

Hesitations aside, try getting started with these practices in mind:

  • Keep God first. Pray to start the day. Read Scripture. Share the Gospel. Make church a reason to miss other events – not the other way around. Too “busy” to prioritize Christ? All the more reason to escape being Buried Under Satan’s Yoke.
  • Forget the past. Yikes. Talk about “big asks.” Well, just like we’re called to crucify our sinful desires, do the same to your heavy, burdensome past. Nail it to a tree, then pound more nails into it. Crucify and bury its unwelcome, unforgiving weight.
  • Don’t obsess about the future. It’s OK to set goals and make plans. Yet, trust God to guide your path into the future. Know that things might not happen in your desired order or timeframe. He will not abandon you.
  • Put God’s Word first. We’re barraged daily by words – from family, co-workers, friends, social media, advertisements and other sources. Start your day right by reading God’s Word. The Bible is a firm foundation on which to build wisdom and discretion, to interpret the many other words we hear.

Surrender to Victory

“Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.” –  Psalms 62:8

Being “chained” to our past just seems to be part of human nature. We can’t undo what’s done … and it drives us crazy. Therapy and coaching can loosen the shackles. They won’t break them.

Only surrendering to Jesus offers a release from past pains and regrets. We can’t live our best life until this threshold is crossed. Doing so opens the door to joy and prosperity.

It’s not a one-way street, though. We need to be open and honest with Him. This means confessing our sins and missteps, and taking responsibility.

Yes, it’s being vulnerable. Christ offers a safe place where we can be open with our emotions. He will not judge us. He’ll forgive us.

Therein lies the beauty, and freedom, of the surrender. Jesus will break the chains that have held us for far too long. We can turn the page to a new chapter.

Why are we afraid?

(If you’re ready to embrace Christ, He’s ready for you. Visit C-Suite for Christ to join in Christ-centered fellowship with other professionals. Join us as a member. Plant a chapter where you live. Consider becoming a corporate partner. Follow C-Suite for Christ on LinkedIn and Facebook. Questions? Contact Paul M. Neuberger at (414) 313-8338 or

Who’s Ready to Lead?

“Lead me, Lord, in your righteousness because of my enemies – make your way straight before me.”Psalms 5:8

The phenomenal growth of C-Suite for Christ is fueled by our members’ mission to “Cover the World in Christ.” Their passion and drive are irreplaceable!

Consider this: The new Raleigh-Durham chapter of C-Suite for Christ is the organization’s 17th in 24 months! These numbers reflect a thirst and longing for Christ coast to coast – one that disciples are opening new chapters to meet!

Our organization’s LinkedIn page has nearly 120,000 followers.

LinkedIn has been instrumental in the growth of C-Suite for Christ. As a social media channel populated by professionals, its reach into far corners has been – OK, pun intended – a godsend.

Unfortunately, our organization’s ascent is paralleled by descending trends elsewhere in religion.

Christianity is being steadily undermined in secular quarters. The relentless attacks – from media, academia, and other parties – are working, too.

Only 30 percent of Americans regularly attend church, according to the latest Gallup research. Just two decades ago, the figure was 42 percent.

People are walking away from the faith. Churchgoers who pass are not being replaced. Worse yet, more and more people are dying without ever knowing Christ!

Even as C-Suite for Christ continues to expand, its task of sharing God’s Word grows ever larger.

Fortunately, data allows us to direct efforts. Below is a table of the 10 largest U.S. locations where we need to planta chapter:

Do you reside in one?

Is God telling you to let Him take the wheel of your career?

Or, is someone you know feeling the pull?

We need disciples ready to serve as new chapter presidents in these areas. All are ripe with potential for rapid chapter growth.

What’s missing?

Someone to take the lead!

Yes, you (or someone you know) could make “Covering the World in Christ” your profession. Can you imagine a more fulfilling career choice?

If this sparks something deep inside you, maybe it’s time for a conversation.

Contact me at to see if it’s time to light the fire. No experience required.

Why wait to answer God’s call to serve His people? 

Even if you consider yourself a “nobody,” remember that God has always used such individuals to prove He’s a somebody!

Prepare to Turn the Corner

“The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.” – Romans 13:12

Hope for the future is real. The Bible tells us repeatedly to “fear not.” Jesus promised that, if we followed His light, the path would lead to eternal glory.

And, a mortal woman who has experienced some of humanity’s worst, proclaims the corner is being turned on a return to Godly principles and common sense.

Riley Gaines was called every name in the book – transphobic, homophobic, racist, white supremacist, Nazi and more. Why?

She dared to say only two sexes exist.

The turning point was someone asking why, if she was a Christian, she couldn’t accept a man who believed he was a woman … and just happened to be sharing a locker room with her.

God loves all, Riley agreed. He hates sin, too. The Bible states that males and females were created equally in His image. Altering this reality is playing God.

This was it.

The ongoing assault of smears, name-calling and personal attacks suddenly no longer registered. They slid right off, just like the water when she was an all-American college swimmer. She had armored up – and was ready to take the fight forward.

Riley, the keynote speaker at our inaugural Savior Summit, demonstrated a fearlessness we can all emulate to live boldly and unapologetically for Christ. She’s as humble as can be, yet courageous as a lion.

We all need to armor up for the battle ahead, she said. Everyday Christians should prepare to fight for their beliefs, and for God’s kingdom.

She lived through experiences that are finally opening people’s eyes: girls being denied fair opportunities. Men invading women’s locker rooms. Loud secular voices declaring that, no, anyone who calls out these violations is the real problem.

It goes on. Parental rights being rescinded for resisting a child’s desire to “change” their gender. Children’s innocence being stolen by once-trusted figures who plant these bizarre ideas in their minds.

Riley called upon people to vote. Too many “leaders” encourage, and reflect, a morally-depraved society. People are waking up to the dark trajectory being taken – and changing their minds accordingly.

Riley credited her faith for her strength. For the rest of us, though, “comfortable Christianity” is the enemy. Backing down, and refusing to make waves, only emboldens the secular forces engaged in full-on warfare.

A 22-year-old woman dared to take a stand. She emerged a confident, empowered victor. God needs more brave soldiers.

Who’s next?

(Visit for a full interview with Riley Gaines from the Savior Summit)