About Sylvia Alvarez
From Business Leader to Kingdom Business Leader: In 2013 Sylvia experienced a radical salvation encounter with Jesus Christ 5 years into her 15-year tenure as the CFO of a large South Florida executive recruiting firm. Her newfound relationship with Christ triggered a dramatic and powerful inner transformation which also impacted her spheres of influence, including her business space as a leader in a secular firm.
Her position of leadership in the marketplace enabled Sylvia to test out biblical principles in every aspect of her management role. The application of these principles produced tangible results in her shared service team, with co-workers, and in the business at large. Some examples of these results include: (1) The complete turn-around of formerly high performing employees who were on the brink of termination due to chronic performance issues. (2) Secular leaders became agreeable to giving Sylvia permission to form a prayer team that established a discipline of prayer and covered the needs of the firm and its employees throughout the pandemic. Following continuous prayer the company witnessed miraculous healing’s, the restoration of marital harmony in struggling marriages, and dramatic revenue growth – just to name a few. (3) Biblical mentoring of coworkers empowered them to apply biblical principles to their own challenges which dramatically reduced anxiety levels for the entire team. (4) Productivity and quality of work and creativity during a world-wide pandemic increased alongside the team’s level of satisfaction, joy, and peace as the organization simultaneously broke revenue growth records.
Having seen firsthand the transformation power of the gospel in practical and REAL ways in the marketplace, Sylvia felt called to bring these benefits to the business arena at large. It is her joy and passion to partner with people and businesses to bring health to the people and teams in organizations in order to advance the kingdom of God.
Speaking Topics
Specialized Topics
2. Unity in the Body of Christ and how to identify as well as combat the hindrances that come against our unity.
3. How to partner with the Holy Spirit daily in all decision-making processes.
Bonus: How to Use Biblical Confrontation Styles to Overcome Fear of Engaging in Tough Conversations