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Transforming the Workplace for Christ

Event Series in Partnership with Trissential

Yes, You Can Transform Your Workplace for Christ!

“May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us – yes, establish the work of our hands.” –  Psalm 90:17

If you’re a business executive who’s on fire for the Lord, you might have wondered how to weave this passion into your organization.

There’s no road map. No website with guidelines. Up to now, the path has been fraught with potholes.

No more. Your opportunity has arrived.

C-Suite for Christ is partnering with Trissential, a premier organizational consulting firm rooted in deep Christian values, to present a three-part seminar series titled “Transforming the Workplace for Christ.”

It’s time to guide business leaders – and their organizations – to unleash their God-given potential to be more, do more and achieve more!

Free for C-Suite for Christ Members!

These groundbreaking sessions are free for members of C-Suite for Christ*! Non-members pay just $10 per event, or $25 for all three (in-person and livestream).

Each conference features dynamic keynote speakers, expert panel discussions and practical tips from hands-on practitioners.

Both in-person and livestream are available.

*If you are already a C-Suite for Christ Member, contact Paul M. Neuberger for your free ticket code.

Event #1

September 17 | Mequon, WI

Transforming the Workplace for Christ: Ethical and Values-Based Leadership

  • How to lead your company with Christ-centric values
  • How to stand firm when the world is pushing you to do otherwise

Event #2

November 13 | Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN

Transforming the Workplace for Christ: Organizational Change Management

  • How to maintain a Christ-centric culture despite employee turnover
  • Best practices on how to build a culture that will last way after you’re gone

Event #3

February 26 | Dallas, TX

Transforming the Workplace for Christ: Loving Like Jesus

  • How to love your stakeholders, including employees, vendors, clients, etc.
  • Serve like Christ in all that you do day in and day out

Upcoming Event Speakers: September 17 

Keynote Speaker: Bill Goodwin

Panelist #1: Adam King

Panelist #2: Beth Fisher

Panelist #3: Brad Alles

Master of Ceremonies: Paul M. Neuberger

Special Message From: Keith Korsi

Event Agenda 

7:15 a.m. = Networking and Fellowship
7:45 a.m. = Welcome and Prayer
7:52 a.m. = Trissential Opening Commentary
8:00 a.m. = Panel Discussion
8:25 a.m. = Q&A with Audience Participation
8:30 a.m. = Small Group Discussion at the Tables
8:42 a.m. = Keynote Speaker
9:12 a.m. = Trissential Call to Action
9:15 a.m. = Closing Prayer & Dismissal
About Trissential

Ready to up your organizational game, and achieve new heights of success? Trissential is “The Shape of Business Improvement.” Offering business, digital, and quality solutions across a broad spectrum of industries, Trissential drives innovation that’s focused on value and outcomes. Visit to learn more.