Contact Details
(810) 309-7531
About Sarah Villanueva-Wilson
Sarah Villanueva-Wilson grew up in a culture and community that did not expect much from girls. But in the 5th grade, she accepted Christ as her Savior and knew deep down that He had a special plan for her life. Sarah didn’t tell anyone her belief though – that was just for her and God. This was Sarah’s start of dreaming big and praying seemingly impossible prayers.
Sarah has since traveled to numerous countries, ran for local office and was re-elected, served on community boards and home-schooled her sons, with her youngest in high school. Being a mom is the best opportunity she’s ever had.
Sarah worked for the world’s oldest leadership training company as a trainer and speaker. During Covid, Sarah took her two year non-compete and developed her business plan, hired a marketing and advertising agency, and opened her business. Sarah praises God that many of her past clients decided to stay with her on her new venture.
God has been so good to Sarah. Her life has been very challenging, but God has always been right there with her in it all. She is grateful for all that she has been through because she knows that those experiences have made her the woman she is today. And God does have a special plan for her life.
This is the scripture Sarah is holding onto in this season: Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10
Speaking Topics
Specialized Topics
Influential Leadership
Effective Communication (verbal/nonverbal)