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Dr. James Chitwood

Owner of PerformanceCulture.Expert
Naperville, IL

Contact Details

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About Dr. James Chitwood

Dr. James Chitwood is an Army Infantry veteran, a former university and college president, professor, and administrator.

After enduring a childhood of chaos and abuse, Dr. James resolved to make the world a better place. Life led him to a highly successful career in post-secondary education. He thought he had found his way to help people, but God had other plans, leading him toward his current state as an author and consultant. He is now an operations expert who focuses on people as organizational assets rather than liabilities. He has applied his over 20 years of experience and doctoral research, which revealed the link between organizational systems and productivity, to his book Leadership is Not Enough.

He works with companies of all sizes to establish positive practices and procedures to create environments where employees thrive.

Speaking Topics

Business & Finance, Faith & Encouragement, Personal Growth & Motivation, Professional Development

Specialized Topics

Systems Saved My Life and They Can Save Your Company’s Too

Leadership is the Icing. First, Bake the Management Cake for Lasting Performance

There Might Not Be an I in Team. But there is a Me.