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Erin Harrigan

President and Head Coach at Erin Harrigan Coaching, LLC
Chesapeake Beach, MD

Contact Details

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About Erin Harrigan

Erin Harrigan is a Christian wife, empty nest mom, speaker, author, and business coach for high-achieving female believers who seek to refine or scale their 6-figure+ revenue businesses and align business goals with God’s will, so they can work with clarity, serenity, and fulfillment.

Bringing to bear her 30+ years of corporate work and 10+ years of network marketing, she helps female believers break free from the drain of “business as usual” through customized business coaching, speaking, her award-winning podcast, Redefining Hustle: Pursuing Success as a Christian Woman, and her book Pursuing Success God’s Way: A Practical Guide to Hustle with Heart.

Erin loves the beach, tacos, good cheese, red wine, singing along to Broadway show tunes, and living in Chesapeake Beach, MD with Brian, her husband of 30 years, and their Bernedoodle, Rory.

Speaking Topics

Specialized Topics

The Four Keys to Redefine Hustle
The Three C’s of God’s Call for Business
Faithful Work + Faithful Rest