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Winter '25 Savior Summit

Tuesday, Jan. 14 - Thursday Jan 16, 2025

Mount Mary University
2900 Menomonee River Pkwy
Milwaukee, WI 53222

Tuesday evening: Reception to meet, and reconnect with fellow attendees

Wednesday: Prayer breakfast followed by professional development modules led by members of the C-Suite for Christ Speakers Bureau

Thursday: Morning keynote presentation by an internationally-recognized Christian speaker who’s making big things happen, followed by fellowship lunch

with Keynote Speaker

Kevin Sorbo

Summit Speakers & Topics

We’ve gathered top business executives, critically acclaimed speakers, and inspiring leaders from across the country.

Accordion Content

Bill GosseThis speech will depict what is needed for a culture-changing community, be it in our workplaces, our families, our churches, the organizations to which we belong, our teams, our clubs, our actual communities where we live, etc. It’s amazing what we can accomplish when our communities are properly aligned. Unfortunately, there are too many times when someone or something prevents this from happening. The Apostle Paul was excited about some of the communities he worked with and taught them how to accomplish great things. This is what I want to communicate in this speech. Culture-changing communities are marked by devotion to one another, a willingness to challenge and be challenged to greater faithfulness, and a compelling vision for the future. Regardless, of where we feel we are in our faith journey, there is always room for us to grow into a more influential and God-honoring community and I want to help C-Suite for Christ do the same.

Learn more about Bill Gosse

Beth FisherWhen we operate from a place of wrongly feeling as if others – and by proxy, God – have abandoned us, we make poor decisions. We turn farther away from God instead of remembering that Jesus went through the same things (and more!) that we go through when He walked the earth in His human flesh. This talk will serve as an inspirational reminder that we are never alone, even in our own darkest hours.

Learn more about Beth Fisher

Brandon WestDo you feel like your worth as a leader is based solely on how good your outcomes are? How often do you measure your self-worth by the accolades you receive? Do you regularly compare yourself to other leaders and wonder why you seem to be falling so short?

There’s a mindset that’s sabotaging our faithfulness as leaders, one that ties our success to outcomes we can’t even control. And it’s a mindset that is slowly eroding our emotional and spiritual wellness.

With practical wisdom, actionable leadership tools, and vulnerable storytelling, this talk will help you trade the soul-crushing worship of outcomes for the joy-filled pursuit of “well done.”

Learn more about Brandon West

Speaker Kelley TyanIn a world filled with uncertainty and challenges, it’s easy to succumb to fear and doubt. But as followers of Christ, we are called to embrace a different mindset—a mindset of courage and bravery rooted in our identity as children of God.

“Being Brave Is Your Birthright” explores the transformative power of courage in the life of a believer. Just as Jesus encouraged his disciples to be bold and fearless in their faith journey, we too are called to step out in courage, trusting in God’s promises and guidance.

Through the powerful stories found in scripture, we see examples of ordinary individuals who demonstrated extraordinary courage through their unwavering faith in God.

This will empower the audience and challenge them to confront their fears, take bold steps forward, and live with confidence and purpose, knowing that they are never alone on their journey.

Learn more about Kelley Tyan

Roger HustonWe will explore how integrating faith in our leadership styles and organizational planning and processes will enable greater passion, perseverance, and purpose among our personnel. We will discuss the benefits of faith-based, faith-centered, and faith-saturated practices and provide examples and recommendations for integrating faith into personnel performance and productivity.

Learn more about Roger Huston

In this interactive presentation, I focus on what it means to live our greatest story. Our lives are a collection of stories like a library is a collection of books. In the end, it’s all about the stories. Every person and every company is telling a story. As followers of Jesus Christ, we know that the key to living our greatest story is to merge our story with the larger story of God.

Topics addressed:
The importance of being fully alive
The characteristics of a great story
Training to Live Your Greatest Story – the decisions we make today determine the stories we tell tomorrow.
The importance of the people around us in living a great story
One More Story – no matter our season in life, God has one more story for you to write

II Timothy 1:7 does not allow us to live “under the circumstances” nor live in Fear.

This talk breaks down four truths of God’s Provision:
1- Fear – does not come from God. Puny souls are a terrible testimony. As leaders, we often pay too much attention to titles, and not enough on testimony; to much attention on labels, and not enough on legacy; to much attention on degrees, and not enough on temperature (think about that one carefully).
2- Power – (gr = Dunamis): Dynamite works effectively amidst resistance. If we have no resistance, we have no power. If we want to avoid all pressure, then say nothing, do nothing, be nothing. But God gave us power to change that which surrounds us.
3- Love – is sacrificial, but not unconditional. “For God so loved the world, that He gave ….. “ but He expected something in return, that we would believe in His son and accept Him as our Lord and Savior. We are called to love others in the same way. There is no room for “perhaps” but rather, with “certainty”, our love should shine before others.
4- Self disciple. Life is like a coin – once it’s spent, it’s gone.

Learn more about Jon Heymann

Running out of cash, 70 hours per week, degrading health? Sound familiar? That was me only 6 months into business ownership. But God led me out! Using a Marine Corps analogy and Paul’s guidance in Eph. 6 which can be taken literally, is a perfect recipe to becoming a leader worth following. Most leaders carrying the full weight of battle, wear armor that doesn’t fit and have unmanageable stress. This talk details the process by which we can resist all the fiery arrows of the enemy and thrive. Ref. Eph. 6

Learn more about Jerry Howard

Register now and join us!

Join all three days, Thursday’s keynote speaker only, or sign up for all future Savior Summits. And don’t miss our limited VIP Keynote Speaker Meet & Greet add-on!

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Ticket Type: Ticket Qty: Per Ticket Price:
Winter 2025 Savior Summit Ticket

Join the full 3-day event: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

Reception Dinner Only

Attend our Tuesday's dinner gathering only

Keynote Speaker Only (Virtual)

Register for a virtual ticket to Thursday's keynote speaker

Keynote Speaker Only

Come for our Thursday keynote speaker only

Savior Summit Bundle

Save and sign up for all four upcoming Savior Summits: Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring


Extra Service

Winter 2025 – VIP Keynote Speaker Meet and Greet
Quantity: Total