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Jon Heymann

CEO of Heymann Consulting, LLC
Jackson, FL

Contact Details

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About Jon Heymann

Jon Heymann M.Ed.
“You can’t burn out until you’ve caught on fire”

Jon Heymann has a professional background spanning 35 years that ranges from private ministry to public penitentiaries and is now the President of Heymann Consulting. He recently created Elevate Jacksonville, and prior to this, was the CEO of the Jacksonville Children’s Commission providing $38 million dollars to support numerous child-serving non-profits. He has been a Pastor of two churches and Youth Pastor in two churches.

He is the author of “Agonizing Peace; Powering Through Traumatic Experiences.”

Heymann holds a Masters Degree in Education from the University of Florida, and has completed Graduate work in Psychology, and “All but Dissertation” Doctoral work at the University of North Florida.
Clemson University awarded Heymann their Crystal Star Award, and Stanford University labelled Heymann a “Transformational Leader”.

He was born in Athens, Greece and was a child victim of a trafficking ring that rendered him a slave of oppressive and brutal traffickers. He was eventually adopted by an American adoption agency working in Greece and lovingly raised by the Heymanns.

Mr. Heymann has spoken to over 300,000 people, and is a National Board member of Foundations INC (Philadelphia, PA); a Board member of both University of Florida’s Lastinger Center for Education and the Florida Afterschool Network; Pres of Florida Children’s Councils; Fl State Advisory Board member of Children’s Campaign; and has served on Boards of the Early Learning Coalition and the United Way of NE FL, as well as Board President of United Way’s Agency Directors, and a member of the National Dropout Prevention Network and the North East Florida Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, as well as the Florida Chamber of Commerce President’s Council; and the Florida Association of Nonprofit Organizations.

He has provided coaching and consultation to businesses, Charter schools, churches, colleges, as well as keynote speeches to numerous national conventions, men’s retreats, youth conferences, and civic groups, including: Beyond School Hours National Conference (twice); US Dep’t of Education National Conferences; Youth Corps Volunteers of America; National Association of Postmasters; Florida Department of Education; Florida Governor’s Conference on Children; Florida Association of Business Administrators; as well as IBM, Florida Mental Health Association, Florida Department of Corrections, FL Department of Labor, Florida Power and Light, Georgia Pacific, John Hancock Insurance, Parole and Probation, and a host of regional and local organizations.

Jon believes that our grandest hour has yet to be lived, and our greatest accomplishments have yet to be achieved by those who dare to be great.

Speaking Topics

Career Growth, Communication, Personal Growth & Motivation, Professional Development

Specialized Topics

“Seven habits of HARDLY effective people”

“Top-of Your Game to the Top-of Your Mountain”

“Grass-Stained Leadership”

“Lessons from (1) a Basketball; (2) a YoYo; (3) The Appalachian Trail and a Peruvian mountaintop

“From an incremental change to a massive positive difference”

“Creating a culture of adjectives, not nouns”