“The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.” – Romans 13:12
Hope for the future is real. The Bible tells us repeatedly to “fear not.” Jesus promised that, if we followed His light, the path would lead to eternal glory.
And, a mortal woman who has experienced some of humanity’s worst, proclaims the corner is being turned on a return to Godly principles and common sense.
Riley Gaines was called every name in the book – transphobic, homophobic, racist, white supremacist, Nazi and more. Why?
She dared to say only two sexes exist.
The turning point was someone asking why, if she was a Christian, she couldn’t accept a man who believed he was a woman … and just happened to be sharing a locker room with her.
God loves all, Riley agreed. He hates sin, too. The Bible states that males and females were created equally in His image. Altering this reality is playing God.
This was it.
The ongoing assault of smears, name-calling and personal attacks suddenly no longer registered. They slid right off, just like the water when she was an all-American college swimmer. She had armored up – and was ready to take the fight forward.
Riley, the keynote speaker at our inaugural Savior Summit, demonstrated a fearlessness we can all emulate to live boldly and unapologetically for Christ. She’s as humble as can be, yet courageous as a lion.
We all need to armor up for the battle ahead, she said. Everyday Christians should prepare to fight for their beliefs, and for God’s kingdom.
She lived through experiences that are finally opening people’s eyes: girls being denied fair opportunities. Men invading women’s locker rooms. Loud secular voices declaring that, no, anyone who calls out these violations is the real problem.
It goes on. Parental rights being rescinded for resisting a child’s desire to “change” their gender. Children’s innocence being stolen by once-trusted figures who plant these bizarre ideas in their minds.
Riley called upon people to vote. Too many “leaders” encourage, and reflect, a morally-depraved society. People are waking up to the dark trajectory being taken – and changing their minds accordingly.
Riley credited her faith for her strength. For the rest of us, though, “comfortable Christianity” is the enemy. Backing down, and refusing to make waves, only emboldens the secular forces engaged in full-on warfare.
A 22-year-old woman dared to take a stand. She emerged a confident, empowered victor. God needs more brave soldiers.
Who’s next?
(Visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Bd6eNXEp3U&t=458s for a full interview with Riley Gaines from the Savior Summit)