“He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less.” – John 3:30
“Lord, surprise me today.”
Have you ever started your day with this request? If not … why?
We trust God to not lead us on wayward paths. Granted, none of us know what the future holds – today, tomorrow, or next year. Only God does.
Yet we never live life alone, as long as we walk with Christ.
So many others, though, don’t enjoy this reassurance. They feel abandoned. Isolated. Cast out.
Through the Great Commission, Jesus directed us to be His advocates on earth. We should share faith with those who have not experienced Christ’s everlasting love. He gives us strength, hope and inspiration. He leads us to peace. He will not let us fail.
So, how will you be surprised? Who will you encounter, to whom you might evangelize? Someone in a coffee shop? A checkout lane? Waiting at a corner to cross a street? Have faith, and these opportunities will appear.
Many, many people toil in uncertainty. They worry about money, relationships, job security, or events that could be next door or a world away.
They need confidence of a better, more joyful life. As disciples, we are the messengers they’ve awaited. By spreading the light of the Gospel, they see a different, more positive path. Share God, and share peace.
Have TRUST. Reap Blessings.
“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” – Romans 12:12
We never know life’s road ahead. All the more reason to keep our eyes on God. He walks with us, as we climb in life through faith.
God doesn’t want us to focus on outcomes, though. We need to let go, and believe in His
plan. In other words, we need to have TRUST: Totally Relying Upon Spiritual Timing.
It’s not easy. Human nature fights circumstances outside its control. TRUST doesn’t come naturally. Its practice is an extension of faith – which, let’s admit, has challenges at times.
TRUST is about patiently pursuing God, confident that good things will happen when He deems appropriate. Ignoring our inner negative voices can admittedly be difficult. Do we wholly believe Jesus is on our side? If so, we know He will take care of us.
Do we believe God loves us? If so, we hold that He wants our lives to be fulfilling. Miracles happen if we embrace TRUST. God shines through us. We can set high expectations, and expect them to be fulfilled.
The upshot? We need more of God, and less of us. Release the steering wheel. We are just the vessels, the vehicles, the tools through which God does His works. Relinquish control. Allow Him to work through you … and reach those who need His grace.
When we let go, we can be an example to others, in being unafraid to bear witness to God’s wonders, and joyfully proclaiming His glory. They’ll see our transformation.
More of God, and less of us, is a change that is impossible to miss.(If you’re ready to embrace Christ, He’s ready for you. Visit C-Suite for Christ to join in Christ-centered fellowship with other professionals. Join us as a member. Plant a chapter where you live. Consider becoming a corporate partner. Follow C-Suite for Christ on LinkedIn and Facebook. Questions? Contact Paul M. Neuberger at (414) 313-8338 or pneuberger@csuiteforchrist.com.)