Jason Hietbrink – September Speaker

Jason Hietbrink

Jason Hietbrink graduated from Nebraska Wesleyan University in May of 2006 and began his career later that summer with The N2 Company. From 2006-2018, he ran a total of 9 different franchises within the company and was the #1 franchise in the nation for 6 years in a row (2007-2012). 

In 2012, Jason moved into a leadership role within the company, overseeing 8 states, and was tasked with both growing revenue with existing franchisees as well as hiring and training new franchisees. That role expanded by 2016 to overseeing 28 states, 75 leaders, over 450 franchisees, and around $65M/yr in total revenue. Jason played a key part in the company’s growth from $3M in revenue in 2009 to $100M in revenue by the end of 2015, and the company grew from about 30 locations to over 800 during that time. 

In 2019, Jason took on a new leadership role within the organization tasked to grow a new vertical the company had started a few years before and worked to more than doubled the revenue in that product line in the calendar year. 

From 2020-2022, he was the Director of Sales Training and Development and helped the organization navigate how to take the sales process remotely throughout the pandemic. During this time, Jason was in charge of all of the training for the franchisees and was also responsible for putting together the national conferences (600-800 in attendance). 

Jason has given hundreds of messages during his time in the organization and has been the keynote speaker for over a dozen events. Jason has spent tens of thousands of hours developing messages and honing his public speaking skills while also training dozens of others how to do the same. 

In spring of 2022, Jason left the company to start his own coaching and consulting practice, focused on helping high-achieving entrepreneurs create more money while working less. In his first calendar year, Jason has found success, grossing about $450k in revenue after starting from scratch. Jason is thankful that God has gifted him with the ability to succeed in the entrepreneurial space and continues to use that gift to help others do the same. 

Jason grew up in a Christian home and has been a follower of Christ from a young age. He and his wife have two kids: a sixteen year old son and a thirteen year old daughter, and have been married for 18 years. They are heavily involved in our church and local community.

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