I was abandoned as a child and spent the first part of my life as a career criminal. I dropped out of high school after failing the 9th grade. I had Dreams of being a massive drug lord. Having always been bright, motivated, and ambitious, I went at this mission with all my heart, mind, and soul. By the time I was done running that race, I was a 4 time felon. Hooked on meth. Professional loser. At 24 years old facing years in prison I began to submit to the Father, I was tired. Twenty years ago there was no hope for me. I had no future and there was no plan. But God knew, and he had a plan. A plan that involved healing, wisdom, restoration, but most of all, his purpose to be fulfilled in my life. When I started Elite Staffing Solutions I was still chasing the almighty dollar. I spent my whole life poor and all I wanted was to be rich. I did 1.5 million in revenue my first year and after 4 years in 2017, I made Inc. magazine’s Inc 500 at #160. They wrote my story in their magazine. But little did I know God had bigger plans. He began to show me what I was made for and why I had been down those dark roads alone. I found out what I was made for and I can’t wait to share it with you, because you were made for it too.