A Revival Hidden No Longer

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. – John 8:32

Chances are you didn’t see (or read) this, in what passes for “news” these days.

Two weeks ago, nearly 2,000 Ohio State University students gave their lives to Christ. The new disciples were baptized in the backs of U-Haul trucks, warming their souls as temperatures outside dropped into the teens.

Inside a nearby sports arena, nearly 6,500 students participated in a campus revival, lifting the name of Jesus and flaunting conventional wisdom.

When an altar call went out for attendees to be baptized, nearly a third headed outdoors for the U-Hauls waiting in the frigid conditions.

The revival was the second at Ohio State University in six months. An August 2024 event saw several members of the university’s football team being baptized.

Some gave public testimonies about their newfound joy.

Why are you likely learning of these events here, for the first time?

Mass media won’t publicize God’s presence, and power, in our society. It chooses instead to focus on death, destruction and despair.

Perhaps this is a reason why depression and anxiety are at record levels?

Regardless, these inspirational students didn’t accept the outdated notion that “you can’t talk about God at a public school.” In other words, they didn’t buy the lie.

Similar to the organization that is leading these revivals at major college campuses, C-Suite for Christ is determined to revive Christ in another sector blithely considered off limits to His reach: the workplace.

Let’s face it: Some people spend more time at the office, than with their families. For most workers, at least half their waking weekday hours are on the job.

Jesus went to where people congregated. The workplace is the most largely untouched, yet fertile, ground for sharing Christ’s message.

If we’re to cover the world in Christ, it’s time to apply there.

C-Suite for Christ will not rest in its mission to educate, empower and inspire Christ-followers to go into their workplaces and disciple fellow employees. Let us all be sparks, lighting the fires of God’s love to lead a Christian revival in the business world!

Want to join the movement?

Click here to become a member. Questions, or need guidance on how to navigate the workplace terrain? E-mail pneuberger@csuiteforchrist.com for answers.

We might not bring 2,000 disciples into the fold at once, as happened at Ohio State University.

We’ll rely on the snowball effect, growing ever more as days go by.

Once unleashed, the truth cannot be stopped.

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