“For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.” – 2 Corinthians 10:3
With establishment of our 19th U.S. chapter, it’s safe to say that C-Suite for Christ has a solid foothold in America. God has driven our success. We’d be wandering in the desert without His bountiful guidance and generosity.
A growing footprint is critical to our mission of “Covering the World in Christ.” Thirty operating chapters by the end of first quarter 2025 is our goal.
Our emphasis on bringing Christ into the workplace continues to gain steam, even as organized religion has increasingly faltered. Business executives need a place to be themselves with God. We provide it. He does the rest.
“Covering the World in Christ” is rooted in the Great Commission. We know this as Christ’s powerful call for evangelism, where he ordered His followers to “go and make disciples of all nations.”
Note the last two words: “all nations.” This isn’t our verbiage. It’s Christ’s non-negotiable directive – and C-Suite for Christ’s next frontier.
We’re ready to go international!
Our ministry stands poised to reach abroad, as Jesus described. The “product” is turnkey, needing only market presidents with vision and drive. They bring the movement to their community, regardless of nation … and earn a living while glorifying God.
If you’re reading this outside the U.S., listen to your heart.
Is God calling on you to boldly and unapologetically pursue the Great Commission? Do you feel a pull to take a big step for Jesus, as a market president of C-Suite for Christ?
If so, we have a 90-minute instructional video we’d like to share. It covers the responsibilities of this faith-filled role … and its potential for helping to achieve God’s kingdom on earth.
E-mail pneuberger@csuiteforchrist.com to learn more.
Christians increasingly realize they’ve stayed quiet, and on the sidelines, for far too long. A growing void exists between people of faith and the secular world.
It’s time to bridge the gap.
Let’s take Jesus at His word … and “make disciples of ALL nations.”