Be the Example

…of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” –  Matthew 18:2-4 The old saying, “Out of the mouths of babes,” has…

Events – List Style with Search Box

Select City Milwaukee Mequon No Match Result Found! Showing -1 of 5 13 Nov Multi Date Event Virtual Event Trissential Event Series – 3 Event Series Package Price: $25.00 November…

Commissioned for Heaven

…we do nothing until Jesus returns, and takes us to heaven? Ponderous questions, all. How are we to know the answers? Accepting the Commission “Then the eleven disciples went to…

Jason Hietbrink – September Speaker

…two kids: a sixteen year old son and a thirteen year old daughter, and have been married for 18 years. They are heavily involved in our church and local community….

Do You Truly “Value” Prayer?

…real, sentimental attachment to the old Toyota. It’s been there for you. It’s defined “reliable.” This new, Johnny-come-lately European hotshot – who knows when it might get finicky? Everyone thinks…