“Whoever heeds life-giving correction will be at home among the wise.” – Proverbs 15:31
Did you make any New Year’s resolutions? Roughly 40 percent of Americans do. Most involve healthier lifestyles, improved personal habits, or spending time with loved ones.
Very few last. The lifespan of a New Year’s resolution is usually weeks, at best. Change is hard for everyone. Flipping a calendar page is not a lasting incentive.
God’s promise of eternal salvation, though, defines “lasting.” Our relationship with Jesus Christ is one of life’s bedrocks. Through it, we know that forgiveness will always be granted – no matter how many New Year’s resolutions we forego.
So, let’s try a new twist on this centuries-old practice. Why not make resolutions that will strengthen our relationship with Christ? Resolutions that don’t require lifestyle changes, but rather in how we interact with God?
Hmmm – heavy stuff. But not really. Can you resolve to do one (or more) of these?
- Pray more. Pray regularly – daily, or with greater frequency. Share everything in your heart, no matter how seemingly minor, or how much it hurts to confess. God welcomes all. Pray for those who have hurt you – can you do it?
- Give thanks to God. Do so continuously, and for all things great and small. It’s easy to go to God with needs and requests. Share your gratitude, as well.
- Illuminate God in words and actions. Live out your faith in daily deeds. Demonstrate love that reflects His infinite forgiveness. Be patient with others, as God has been patient with you. Your actions will be noticed, even by the unreached. Remember, to them, the Bible is just words on a page.
A new year can be a source of new beginnings. God doesn’t need us to start over, though, nor feel down about past mistakes.
He just wants us to draw closer. We know that He won’t reject us.
Why not resolve to do so? Timing is irrelevant. Today is as good as yesterday, or tomorrow, or even Jan. 1.
Resolve to take those steps that lead to salvation, and creating a more loving world around us.
If your other New Year’s resolutions fall by the wayside, it’s OK.
You’re forgiven.