Prepare to Surrender

“Then Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.’”Matthew 16:24

Superhero movies sure are popular. Every month, it seems, a new film comes out featuring a larger-than-life hero(es), ready to save the world from a villain(s) of equally powerful proportions.

These characters always have traits that separate them from everyday humans. They might possess super strength. Or be able to fly. Or climb walls. Or create ingenious weapons. Or be invulnerable to others’ ingenious weapons.

The difference, of course, lies in how these abilities are used. One character uses them for good; the other, evil. In between lies all the difference.

We might not be “superheroes” per se. Nonetheless, God blesses each of us with unique talents.

We’re all good at something. Maybe it’s numbers. Or forming relationships. Or writing. Or performing physical feats of athletics or dance.

These abilities have immense potential for, well, a lot of things. Consider this: Do you use your talents to tell the world who you are … or Whose you are?

Let’s Rethink “Surrender”

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.” –  1 Peter 5:6

Scripture tells us to seek to grow closer to Christ, to carry forth His will. Yes, His will – not ours. We should spotlight Christ, not ourselves. As explained in Matthew 16, we should deny ourselves and take up the cross. Doing so requires surrendering our talents to Jesus, to use for His purposes.

Surrender? Uh oh. This term doesn’t have positive connotations. Usually, it means we’ve lost a competition, or given up something important.

Is this really the way to go?

Except, in the heavenly realm, surrender is the beginning of peace. It’s where we end, and Christ begins. We become more Christ-like only as our human part dies away.

Our plans should be subservient to God’s. Our goals for life are secondary (at best). We’re expected to surrender our wants and desires – a big ask.

Who is willing to do this? Only those destined to become true, authentic disciples of Christ.

Give it All Away

“Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:7

It’s tough to give up anything that one values. Surrendering all our plans and aspirations? This nearly defines “incomprehensible.”

God is serious, though. So how can we seriously approach meeting His standard?

  • Surrender to God through prayer. Our direct connection to God is through prayer. We enjoy fellowship with Christ via ceaseless prayer. We can use this channel to offer our surrender, telling Jesus we want to finally submit to Him.
  • Be mindful of our thoughts. Satan is sneaky and relentless. He spots openings whenever our thoughts turn to lust, anger, and other emotions not of God. Don’t think he’ll seize the opportunity to nudge you to act on them? Only by ridding our minds of imperfect desires can we keep the Evil One at bay.
  • Possess faith that completely trusts God. He has a plan. It might not match up with ours – but, in case you’ve forgotten, God’s will supersedes ours.
  • Let go of trying to control everything. “Control” is an illusion. We control next to nothing. God decides our life’s direction. Think of riding a bike – we pedal, while God steers. Do you really think He’ll direct you into a ditch?

We were created on purpose, for a purpose. God gives us each our unique abilities for a reason. He has made an investment in us, one destined to grow His kingdom.

Surrendering to God? Maybe it seems counterintuitive, at first. Until we consider: Where did our talents come from in the first place? Suddenly the pieces fall into place … and we realize how we’re really returning a favor, one that we could never, ever fully repay.

Suddenly the pieces fall into place … and we realize how we’re really returning a favor, one that we could never, ever fully repay.

(If you’re ready to embrace Christ, He’s ready for you. Visit C-Suite for Christ to join in Christ-centered fellowship with other professionals. Join us as a member. Plant a chapter where you live. Consider becoming a corporate partner. Follow C-Suite for Christ on LinkedIn and Facebook. Questions? Contact Paul M. Neuberger at (414) 313-8338 or

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