Let’s Cover the World in Christ!
“For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” – Matthew 7:8
The news can be pretty depressing these days.
Illness. Death. Disruption. Chaos in the streets. Economic uncertainty. Hopelessness.
Some bright spots persist – among them, churches reopening to in-person worship. People can again reconvene – albeit sparsely – to thank God for comfort during dark days, and perhaps for answering prayers in a trying time.
Will we see renewed emphasis on faith? Perhaps new faces who have turned to Christ?
Hopefully so. People’s confidence in taken-for-granted aspects of life – toilet paper, anyone? – has been shaken. Searching for a stable, reliable rock on which to center their existences is a natural outcome.
“He said: ‘The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer.’” – 2 Samuel 22:2
Despite the bad news – which maybe you’ve tuned out and, if so, who can blame you? – opportunity is in our midst. It’s one we absolutely, positively can’t ignore.
Ready? Let’s cover the world in Christ!
It’s abundantly needed. People are grasping for hope. How many do you know who are anxious, or upset, or searching for a light to follow? As disciples of Christ, it’s our duty – no, our mandate – to show them a better, more fulfilling way.
Only God can cure society’s ills. We’ve fallen into a pit of despair because we’ve allowed ourselves to drift from His purposes. How did we wind up in a place where the mere mention of God or Jesus can cause howls of indignation from so many?
On a personal level, only a relationship with Christ can fill the yawning gaps in one’s life. Not a job promotion. Not a new relationship. Not a shiny new car, or an expensive bottle of bourbon. Only Jesus … and we’re sent out to be His role models.
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” – John 15:5
We need to be connected to Christ. We die – spiritually, emotionally and even physically – when this bond is severed.
What’s more, we need to connect others to Jesus. Now, more than ever, we need to cover the world in Christ.
Need evidence? Suicides in the U.S. have increased 35 percent since 1999. It’s the 10th leading cause of death. Think the pandemic might drive these numbers even higher?
Divorce, already claiming nearly 50 percent of U.S. marriages, is expected to spike when courts closed by COVID-19 finally reopen.
Only 50 percent of Americans belong to a church, according to recent Gallup polling. The number was nearly 70 percent just two decades ago. Three out of five young people do not actively practice a faith. Does this fill you with confidence for the future?
The biggest reason, though, is because God commands us to do so.
“Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me.” – Matthew 10:38
More than 600 Christian business executives are associated with C Suite for Christ. This is a powerful faith-based army, one that can make a difference … at a time when this difference is so needed.
Our next post will explore ways that you can help us cover the world in Christ. The cross is waiting. Jesus is calling. Will you take it up, and follow Him?