Who’s in Charge?

“In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days…

Beth Fisher – April Speaker

Beth Fisher

…science and religion. Beth holds two master’s degrees in theology, founded her own consulting company, and is a certified leadership and development coach. Learn more about Fisher Strategic at www.fisherstrategic.com….

Speakers Bureau

…the world at lightning speed, it’s one thing to grow our organization, but it’s completely another to nurture the individuals within our organization. This is where you come in! C-Suite…

Be the Example

…called to model Christian behavior as leaders. We are compelled to help others join our community. When they experience a life with Jesus at its center, they’ll finally understand why…


…of business executives who come together every month to share how including Christ in our daily lives has positively affected the work environment. In sharing joys and struggles with others…