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Savior Summit

Summer '24 Savior Summit

Join us this July for fellowship, prayer and personal development!

Attendees at the Covering the World in Christ events have visited from far and wide. Their message was clear: Give us more.

The Savior Summits will answer these requests – and then some. Get your tickets, mark your calendar, and prepare to explore and further God’s joyous mission for each of us!

Interested in sponsorship opportunities to get in front of our attendees at these events? Then contact our Founder, Paul M. Neuberger, today at

Together, we’ll cover the world in Christ!

Tuesday, July 23 - Thursday July 25, 2024

Concordia University of Wisconsin
12800 N Lake Shore Dr,
Mequon, WI 53097

Tuesday evening: Reception to meet, and reconnect with fellow attendees

Wednesday: Prayer breakfast followed by professional development modules led by members of the C-Suite for Christ Speakers Bureau

Thursday: Morning keynote presentation by an internationally-recognized Christian speaker who’s making big things happen, followed by fellowship lunch

Savior Summit Summer

with Keynote Speaker

Riley Gaines

Summit Speakers & Topics

We’ve gathered top business executives, critically acclaimed speakers, and inspiring leaders from across the country.

Accordion Content

The practice of the virtues is a path of love. Let’s consider creation, temptation, sin, our Fall from Grace, and the example of virtue we learn in Christ. It’s about learning to focus on living the virtues in our personal and professional lives… to have the heart of a servant in all we do.

Learn more about Patrick Yanke

Professional Development Module #1
Main Stage

As a C-suite leader, you’re ambitious and the “hustle” might secretly fuel your adrenaline. Yet, have you ever struggled with:

  • the tension between outward success and inward unrest?
  • the exhaustion & expectation of overachievement as a C-suite leader, even if it’s in your own business?
  • a loss of peace, joy, and fulfillment in your work?

The world’s pressure to succeed at all costs comes at us in surround sound, and leaves us empty, spiraling in overachievement, and wondering if it’s all worth it.

There is a better way!

In this session, we’ll challenge the status quo of “hustle” and I’ll show you how to redefine hustle to emulate Jesus, and work with clarity, serenity and fulfillment to transform the way you work and the results you achieve.

Why this topic will benefit Savior Summit attendees
This session gives attendees a clear path to operating in the center of God’s will while navigating a culture that thrives on self-reliance, applauds overachievement and constantly tells us to “go big or go home” and “make it happen.” Encompassing mindset, obedience and discipline, this session will lead attendees to find peace and relief in knowing God made them ambitious, but He didn’t make them to do business as usual.

Learn more about Erin Harrigan or watch her Focused 15 for Faith and Business series.

Professional Development Module #1

Aaron Antillon60 minute keynote, workshop, or breakout. Discover actionable solutions for common leadership challenges. Identify your leadership style, potential blindspots, and the best next steps to take to turn your blindspots to clear vision.

This program is perfect for:
Professionals seeking to enhance their leadership skills and overcome common challenges.
Teams and organizations looking to improve communication, decision-making, and team cohesion.
Leaders aiming to achieve personal and professional growth.

The audience will leave with:
Identify Blindspots: It allows leaders to recognize their predominant leadership style and the associated blindspots that may contribute to these challenges.
Offering Solutions: The talk provides actionable steps and strategies for leaders to turn these blindspots into strengths, enhancing their leadership effectiveness.
Enhancing Leadership Skills: By addressing these pain points, leaders can improve their communication, decision-making, conflict resolution, and adaptability skills.
Personal and Professional Growth: It supports leaders in their journey of personal and professional growth, offering insights that extend beyond the workplace.

Learn more about Aaron Antillon

Professional Development Module #2
Main Stage

Based on the title of his forthcoming book, Davin Salvagno will discuss how to identify the Thieves of Purpose, common thoughts that rob us every day of stepping into our God-given purpose and potential, as well as how to confront them so that we can make the difference we were created for. 

Learn more about Davin Salvagno

Professional Development Module #2

These are two of the scariest and most dangerous words you will ever say. Every day you say yes to so many things in your life. What if you determine, once and for all, to give a “no strings attached” YES to God? What would your life look like if you laid your YES on the table? What would God do in your life if you were completely surrendered to him? Perhaps the incredible stories of a music producer, doctor, and an accountant will help you take that final step.

Learn more about Jeff Spooneybarger

Professional Development Module #3
Main Stage

In this talk, we delve into the profound significance of building relationship capital in both personal and professional spheres. Drawing from real-life experiences and heartfelt anecdotes, we explore the universal truth that everyone is navigating their own challenges and triumphs, making meaningful interactions all the more crucial.

Key Learning Objectives:
Understanding the concept of relationship capital and its impact on personal and professional relationships.
Recognizing the power of empathy and meaningful interactions in fostering a supportive environment.
Exploring practical strategies for building relationship capital in various contexts, from the workplace to everyday encounters.
Reflecting on the role of authenticity and vulnerability in deepening connections and fostering trust.
Embracing the principle of “You Are Enough” and finding strength in our inherent worth as children of God.

Business/Leadership Benefits:
Enhanced employee engagement and retention through a culture of empathy and support.
Increased productivity and collaboration as individuals feel valued and understood.
Improved customer satisfaction and loyalty through authentic interactions and genuine care.
Enhanced leadership effectiveness through the cultivation of trust and connection.
Personal growth and resilience as individuals embrace their intrinsic worth and navigate challenges with confidence.

Learn more about Eric Brooker

Professional Development Module #3

Brad JordanBe ready for an exhilarating speech that will redefine the way you approach biblical success and personal growth. This speech dives into discovering the seven core principles that will empower you to make a mark on your life and the lives around you. This speech focuses on the principles of self-awareness, empathy, perseverance, positive attitude, decisive action, wise counsel, and personal responsibility. This speech will not only introduce you to these life-changing principles but also guide you on how to apply them effectively to have the most significant impact on your life and the lives around you.

Learn more about Brad Jordan

Professional Development Module #4
Main Stage

Andrew Olsen

Over the last 25 years Andrew and his team have led crisis response efforts in the aftermath of the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the COVID-19 pandemic, the civil war in Syria and resulting refugee crisis, the Rhoingya genocide in Myanmar, South Sudan’s civial war and resulting humanitarian crisis, Hurricane Katrina, the Haiti earthquake, the Indonesian Tsunami, 9/11, and many others. 

While most of us will never personally face a crisis of the magnitude of these global situations, every leader will face a crisis of some type during their lives. Whether a corporate bankruptcy, mass layoffs, the public moral failing of a leader, a natural disaster, or some other emergent situation, you need to be prepared to lead well in the midst of difficulty.

In this talk Andrew will share with you the keys to leading effectively through a crisis, what scripture says about responding to a crisis, and what you as a leader can do to equip and support your team as they work through and recover from the most challenging experiences of their career. 

Learn more about Andrew Olsen

Professional Development Module #4

Register now and join us!

Join all three days, Thursday’s keynote speaker only, or sign up for all future Savior Summits. And don’t miss our limited VIP Keynote Speaker Meet & Greet add-on!

Sorry, this event is expired and no longer available.